Russ Crawford

Photo of Russ
Russ Crawford
Professor of History
Hill Memorial 208
525 South Main Street, Ada, OH, 45810
Employee degree:

BA, Chadron State College

BS, Chadron State College

MA, Univ of Nebraska Lincoln

PHD, Univ of Nebraska Lincoln


Russ Crawford is Professor of History at Ohio Northern University. He taught high school Social Studies in South Dakota and high school Spanish in Iowa. In South Dakota, Crawford was a not very successful football coach, but in Iowa, he was more successful as a wrestling coach, and has brought that winning spirt to ONU's History and Social Studies Programs. In addition to his work at ONU, Crawford has taught courses in Chengdu, China, and Havana, Cuba. He has also done research or presented his work in France, Russia, and the England. His hobbies include yelling at the screen when filmmakers make historically inaccurate movies or television shows.

He has published three books:

He is currently researching women playing American football around the world, and the University of Nebraska Press (Go Huskers!) will publish his Women's American Football: Breaking Barriers On and Off the Gridiron in late 2022.

Courses taught:

Sport History: Football in America; Sport and Society; Women's Sport 
Public History: Digital History; Oral History; Local History
War History: World War IIThe Civil War; The American Revolution 
Other Courses: East Asia, U.S. History survey

On social media:

Twitter - @RC_Go_Huskers
Instagram - @clioandhuskers
Facebook - Russ Crawford

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